Friday, November 4, 2011

The Ice Woman Cometh

Here's my 100-word Friday Flash Fiction based on the photo prompt below by Madison Woods. Visit her blog to read her story and find links to other author's submissions within the comments.

Dan could barely keep his eyes on the road. The sun peeked over the horizon and bounced playfully from one tree to another, illuminating the mountain. Brilliant reds, oranges, yellows flashed neon against an azure sky. The forecast called for mid-seventies and sunny.
Carolyn had been quite playful this morning, teasing about some “big surprise” she had in store. The workday lasted forever.
What happened? His driveway looked like a war zone. Icy limbs draped their hideous arms over the narrow drive and tore at the paint on his car.

Carolyn’s smile greeted him at the door. “Surprise! Mother’s here!”


  1. I love it!! I found myself, saying "Huh? Okay, where's he taking us this time?" Then, POW! You never cease to amaze. I especially liked "Icy limbs draped their hideous arms over the narrow drive . . ." Excellent!

    Oh - and I like your profile pic, too! :)

  2. Well, that was a complete surprise take on the prompt! I was a bit taken aback by the sunny day, but loved the doom filled arrival at the driveway. Good show!

  3. Hahaha! Beware of mother nature! I love it! Great twist since I was aware that it had been 70 degrees!

  4. Ah, Russell,

    I loved the subtle inference that the mother in law's arrival was worse than the havoc wreaked by the ice storm. Or was it his wife's way of saying that Mother Nature had visited their locale and he had work to do to clean up?

    A very good story. I'm still chuckling at it.



  5. Long term health advisory: You may not want to let your mother-in-law read this one.

  6. Haahaa! Hell had indeed frozen over! Loved it!

  7. LOL and she can't drive! That's hilarious. Well done, Russell. :D

  8. Ha! What an awful surprise that was. Loved the surprise ending:)

  9. Well...someone has mother-in-law issues! Lots of fun - thanks!


  10. I loved it Russell. At first I was wondering where you were taking us and then, bam! I laughed outloud. Typcial Russell writing.

  11. No wonder it was a surprise! Cheers, Robin
