Thursday, August 23, 2012

Misty Mountain Hop

My original intention was to title today’s Friday Flash fiction Foggy Mental Breakdown in honor of the Steppenwolf song.  But I was struggling powerful. The words just would not come. Then for some reason, I started thinking about wise old owl and his buddy raccoon. So, I stopped by Craig’s blog and read his story. Next thing I knew I was humming Led Zeppelin and writing about bluegrass music. Go figure.
This week’s beautiful (and inspiring) photo is courtesy of Maggie Duncan.
To read more stories, go to  click on the Blog tab, and follow the links.

Misty Mountain Hop

“Where’s that noise coming from?”

“What noise? I don’t hear anything.”

“It sounds like an owl playing fiddle and a raccoon on banjo.”

“You can hear all that? What you been smoking, man?”

“Nothing—I swear. It’s coming from that foggy holler between them hills.”

“If you could hear music—and I ain’t saying you can—what makes you think it’s being played by animals?”

“It’s upbeat and adventurous with a hint of sorrow.”

“So, that’s not unusual for bluegrass.”

“This is special music, not ordinary bluegrass. Powerful medicine for children.”

“Oh, I hear it now. That’s Craig Towsley’s place.”


  1. Wow, I'm honoured Russell.

    A nice little piece you got here. Really smooth and natural dialog. I especially love the line "upbeat and adventurous with a hint of sorrow."

    I may have to steal it. Hahahha.

    1. It was a God thing, Craig. I didn't know what I was going to write, then for some strange reason Owl & Raccoon popped into my head. I can't take any credit for this, but do hope it drove some folks to your site and raises awareness to the problem you are so tactfully addressing.

  2. Again you make me smile, Russell. Easy dialogue Happy to put a face and a voice to your work.
    As you know, I made the jump to WordPress this week. I'm #2 on the list and here's the addy

  3. Y'all just keep comin' back with the good stuff, doncha? Smiling is good for the soul, so keep it up.

  4. hehe. Turned out perfect. I love Owl and Raccoon and bluegrass :)

  5. Dear Russell,

    The perfect story and a nice tribute to Craig. I'm headed there now, thanks to you.

    How are the ribs?



  6. More good stuff! I love your stories.

  7. Lovely dialogue, with a wry twist at the end. You didn't disappoint, as ever.

  8. Another fun one. Thanks!

  9. Great dialogue here, Russell, and of course a good laugh at the end. I do like an in-joke, and this one is specially for the fictioneers!
    I'm over here;

  10. Of course, not everyone can hear the animals making music--must be young at heart, if not in age.

  11. Misty Mountain Hop...great song title and tribute to Craig. Russell, you never disappoint.

  12. All that's missing is a mouth organ! Craig needs to make an addition to that band for you.

  13. Haha, I love the nod to Owl and Raccoon. Well done, Russel!

  14. "Upbeat and adventurous with a bit of sorrow"? That's perfect. It pretty much sums up all of life! Beautifully written dialogue, very realistic. Except you're talking about animals playing music. But then who says they can't ? I hear their music every night.
